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The Most Powerful Trading Tool, That No One Ever Uses (And It's Simple!)
A great strategy will make you money. But the best traders know that the majority (yes majority!) of their earnings come from something even more powerful - money management. Knowing how to maximise gains during good times and rapidly reduce risk in bad times, is critical. If you don’t know the optimum amount to risk on your next trade, you need the Profit Pillar, urgently!
The System Designed To Capture Stress-Free Moves Worth Up To 10x Risk
Every trader dreams of being able to take part in the most dramatic moves visible in all price charts. While most will only ever watch these spectacular moves from the sidelines, students of this course know how to identify these hugely profitable moves before they even start and better still how to take part in them and ride them right to the bitter end.
Learn To Build A Trading Business Operated In Just 10 Mins Per Day
Our flagship mentorship programme in which you work live with a class of students and coaches over a 3 month period, to master a trading strategy that you then use in your own choice of markets. You graduate having already traded for real for many weeks with a business designed around your own unique circumstances.
Foundation Course For Professional Accelerator Members
This is a perfect foundation course to work through at the start of the full Professional Accelerator programme, especially for less experienced traders, to get up to speed fast. In this course we start from the very beginning, understanding markets, how they work, our role in them and how we make money. We learn about charting, execution platforms and everything needed to get started.
Learn To Trade Starting With Nothing But A Blank Sheet Of Paper!
In this course we start from the very beginning, putting all the foundations in place first and learning the critical concepts that most traders never usually learn at all. Then we apply this unique approach to identify the perfect trading strategy for your current situation and build your individual trading plan around it. Great for beginners to advanced traders.
Understanding What Drives The Markets Is Key To Successful Trading!
Think you know what moves the market? Think again! The hidden forces that are NOT visible in a price chart are what actually determine what happens next. The chart simply tells you what has already happened. This is the secret we never planned to release, until we discovered that even 40 year career traders were not aware of this most fundamental yet critical force.
The Real Way To Develop Successful Trading Stratgies - And No Programming!
Would you love to develop your very own trading strategy, but been held back by not knowing how to go about it professionally, or been scared off at the thought of having to write code? This book and video shows you how to design a system that is perfectly aligned with your personal trading style. It also show you how to correctly evaluate your systems performance.
Trend Following Systems Are Ideal - But When Is A Trend No Longer A Trend?
As the old saying goes "the trend is your friend... until the end!" If only we could tell when a trend really is our friend and when it is actually the end. Well now we can! With this amazing system we only attempt to join a trend when it is "triple confirmed" giving us maximum chance of a profitable trade. Apply it just as we do or use it in other markets or other timeframes. The choice is yours!
Day Trading For Regular Daily Income Is Many Traders' Ultimate Goal
But day trading is also the hardest type of trading, so it just isn't suitable for everyone. However for those with the time, who are prepared to study, practice daily and to develop the essential discipline... Daily Cash Machine as its name suggests, is a training and mentorship programme designed to deliver trades worth several hundred dollars per day per contract. Kaching!
DCM Daily Review Lessons - Ongoing Education
In order to develop the "art" of day trading as well as the "science" most DCM students choose to enrol in this additional programme of ongoing education. Every trade on every trading day is examined to ensure it is fully understood! Available by monthly subscription to Silver members (first month free), for 12 months free to Gold members and for life to Platinum members.
Future students value your opinion on the quality of our training and services. So we are grateful if you would send us a very short quote we can share with them. We also value your feedback and suggestions as these help us continually improve our training. Some of the content you see here today is as a direct result of earlier feedback and suggestions.
In the unlikely event that you experience any difficulties with video playback or file downloads etc, our team are on hand to resolve this for you. They will respond within 2 days, usually much faster. Please note they can assist you with the process of your education but do not cover questions about content - our tutors may be hired for additional coaching.
One to One Coaching
We offer personal tutoring services to help our students maximise their depth of understanding and accelerate their speed of progress. Should you feel you need additional help in learning your programme with a live tutor, this coaching service is for you. Tutors can be purchased by the hour, so you only pay for what you actually need.