First Discovered in 1986, I'm Now Revealing...

How Serious Traders Can Make A Step Change In Performance, WITHOUT More Indicators, Complicated Software Or Needing To Stare At A Screen All Day!

(Even If You Want To Work Just 10 Mins Per Day)

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Here's What You Can Expect To Learn On This Training

Part 1 - Avoid The Pitfalls

The 8 biggest mistakes that separate struggling traders from those who actually enjoy great success.  How to eliminate these costly errors.

Part 2 - Work With The Market

Position yourself for profit using simple techniques that harness little known facts about markets.  Don't fight the market, simply allow it to reward you.

Part 3 - Work / Life Balance

How to build a real trading business that is MORE successful while actually absorbing LESS time.  Make trading fit your chosen lifestyle, not vice versa!


Endless tips, tricks and secrets learned from 40 years in the markets.

Your Host

Simon Townshend

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